Game Wiki
0.11.1-b (03/02/2025)
Wiki - Power Management

The rules that the different facilities follow to generate power are explained in this section of the wiki. Here we will explain how the player can prioritize the power generation and consumption of the different facilities.

Power management is only available to the player once he has unlocked the network achievement (Generating more than 3MW). Before that, the priorities of power generation and consumption are managed by the game.

If a player is part of a Network, facility prioritization for generation and consumption is determined by market logic. See Network for details.

Otherwise, if a player is not part of a Network, generation and consumption priorities are managed via an interactive list on the Network page. This list contains all relevant facilities and processes involved in electricity generation or consumption. Note that storage facilities are listed twice, once as generators and once as consumers.

The list operates in two directions. Energy generation is prioritized from top to bottom, meaning facilities at the top have higher priority for power generation. Conversely, power consumption is prioritized from bottom to top, with components at the bottom having higher satisfaction priority. Additionally, a generation facility in the list only provides power to consumption components listed below it, and vice versa for consumption components, that only accept power form facilities listed above them. Renewable facilities remain fixed in the list as their output is non-controllable and must be used with the highest priority.

Example of prioritization of facilities

For example, in the above list, the coal burner and small pumped hydro (discharge) are positioned after the demand component for constructions. Consequently, these facilities will never be used to generate power for constructions. If the power supplied by the Watermill and steam engine is insufficient to meet the needs of Industry and constructions, ongoing constructions will be paused, even if there is available capacity from the coal burner or small pumped hydro. However, if the power provided by the windmill and steam engine isn't enough for Industry alone, the coal burner will begin generating, possibly followed by the small pumped hydro, since they are listed before Industry. A generation facility placed at the very end of the list will never be used.
